
Hamitov Nazip

Doctor of Philosophy, Writer, Psychoanalyst, Broadcaster

Founder and president of Association of philosophical art. The author and the host of the weekly program «Philosophical Dialogues», Radio Era FM (from 2002). Published a number of books on problems of philosophy of the person, cultural anthropology, philosophy and psychology of sex, world outlook and methodological questions of psychoanalysis. The author of the new direction in the modern philosophical anthropology, received the name metaanthropology where M.Sheler, P.Tellar de Chardin, S.Freud's ideas develop. On this basis new theoretical and practical models of psychoanalysis are developed. Works also in genres of the philosophical essay, the novel and aphorisms. He graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of Kyiv University of Taras Shevchenko. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Senior Researcher at the Department of philosophical anthropology of Institute of philosophy of Grigory Skovoroda of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine.